torsdag 13 augusti 2009

TP 62 - Abandoned

Once upon a time they really needed me and I was of importance. Today I´m fotgotten. Thematic Photografic.

5 kommentarer:

  1. That is one heavy duty spring! I wonder what it went to, and why it was left behind.

  2. Så du har också hoppat på Thematic Photographic? ;)

    Grymt snygg bild!
    Ha det gott

    Kram Anna

  3. It looks like it was attached to a dog leash... I'm thinking I'd rather it's abandoned. It's a wonderful photo!

  4. That spring is huge. Great shot for the theme this week. Well done. Thanks for stopping by my playground. Much appreciated :) Aloha

  5. Hej!
    Jag gillar den här bilden skarpt. Den är talande i svartvitt.
    Jag tror att jag kommer ställa upp i Thematic Photographic. Kan du berätta lite om den?
