onsdag 25 november 2009

Sepia Scenes no 58

Ok, so what about this attitude then?
Sepia Scenes.

10 kommentarer:

  1. Jättefin bild! Jag gillar S/V mer och mer, sepiatonen gör dessutom bilderna ännu mer levande ofta. Kanske du skulle haft fågeln lite mer till höger, så man får en känsla av vad den tittar på.

  2. there is something incredibly charming about this photo!
    Vast Mystery

  3. This is just so funny and so true. I walked through a group of ducks yesterday morning on my way into work. They were frantically feeding on the dropped berries from the trees along the sidewalk and they were none too please with me because I walked right through them. Their squawks were so funny and outraged. Of course, they turned around behind me as I passed and were right at it again.

  4. awww that ducky is telling us that gone are the days for those ugly ducklings! hehehe cute!

    u may view mine here

  5. This female Mallard is slightly confused - this way or that way? The land or the water? I think se will make a splash shortly, the water the most natural place for a duck to collect her thoughts...

  6. Lilla andfröken gillar sin sepiavärld - det syns ju tydligt ;)

  7. Cute duck. They haven't all flown south, I guess. We still have many here in Canada too.
