måndag 14 december 2009

My World week 51

My World has finally turned into a Christmas paradise covered with white powder. Today the longed-for snow arrived and the nature looks much brighter and friendly. The temperature is just below zero degrees Celsius but they say it will drop to minus 15 the following days. I really hope the snow will stay until our Christmas holiday. Keeping my fingers crossed :-).

10 kommentarer:

  1. Hej igen får du inte tag i boken får du gärna låna min....

  2. What a gorgeous capture! The perfect picture of winter! I love it! Thanks for sharing the beauty!

    Have a great week and stay warm!


  3. Visst är det underbart med vit snö nu när det blir så mörkt tidigt. Här har vi bara fått lite snö nere vid havet - hoppas vi också får lite mer snö. Men -15° är lite väl häftigt!!!
    Sköt om dig och klä dig varmt!

  4. Well, this photo made me smile! I have a similar photo that I'll be posting at Today's Flowers next Sunday. Funny, at least I think so. :)

  5. Very very beautiful! I hope your wish for last snow comes true! Merry Christmas to you...

  6. Snow it is. Beautiful photo, too.

  7. You probably have a white christmas every year :-) Nice picture.

  8. Lovely - we have snow here outside Stockholm too...
