måndag 21 december 2009

My World week 52

I´ve been a bit cultural and went to a museum near by. The private hospital, Queen Sophia Hospital (Sophiahemmet), is a central place of My World. It was founded in 1889 and named in hounour of Queen Sophia of Sweden. Five years earlier, in 1884, Queen Sophia started a nursing study programme at the hospital. She aimed to improve the quality of Swedish health care by introducing a programme that contained both theoretical teaching and clinical training. This concept was inspired by the ideas behind the training school of nursing that Florence Nightingale had established at St Thomas' Hospital in London. Today the Sophiahemmet University College is the leading university college in Nursing educations in Sweden. According to a recent national quality review performed by the Swedish Agency for Higher Education the Nursing Programme of the university college is in the front-line and the number of applicants to this programme is among the highest in Sweden.

A well known symbol for a nurse trained at Sophiahemmet University College is the cap. A couple of weeks before the examination day the students sew their own cap. According to an oral tradition the signify of the cap is: the white cloth is for the light in life, the lace is for the happiness and the black velvet ribbon is for the seriousness of life.

2 kommentarer:

  1. What a wonderful and very interesting post! Love the photos and the significance of the hat! This is an example of what is fun about "My World" -- being able to learn so much about worlds other than mine and I love it! Thank you!

    May you have a great week and a lovely holiday season!


  2. Interesting post and nice pictures.
