lördag 12 december 2009

Scenic Sunday 74

From my photo safari the other day when the nature was covered by diamonds like this tree bud. Like a candystore for me, a hobby photographer with a love for macro. Through the lens I see the nature from a completely new angle. Scenic Sunday.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Vilka underbara ädelstenar - gnistrar som diamanter!

  2. Wonderful shot of the frost. Well done!

  3. Hej igen - tack för din kommentar, som fick mig att le! Du skulle frysa ihjäl om stack tårna i det vattnet. Det var ingen sommarbild utan en vinterbild! Vi har faktiskt snö ibland här i Ystad...*ler*

  4. What a neat photo! It's so rare to really get that close of a look at the details in the ice!
