lördag 17 april 2010

PhotoHunt: Covered

Sometimes you had to not give the show away. PhotoHunt.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Wow! What a stunning photo. Happy weekend

  2. Very artistic and stunning. You definitely have this theme COVERED.

  3. Wonderful -- a lovely (and unusual) take on the theme.

    Mine's up, too.

  4. aloha,

    what a great interpretation of the theme today, very creative and colorful, i love your photo with the mask

  5. Hah! Stilig!! :) Også den flammen under her likte jeg! Og så mange vakre blomster du har lagt inn, kjenner nesten duften helt hit :) Vakre bilder av hunden Birk! Han ser så glad ut, og for en flink svømmer! Håper du har det bra! Klem fra meg! :)Og god søndag!
