måndag 17 maj 2010

Mosaic Monday - Butterfly

Unfortunately this beauty was dead when I found it. Still I couldn´t keep my hand off. I grabbed my Nikon just to perpetuate this gorgeous creature. Mosaic Monday.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Perfect macro and beautiful mosaic!
    Happy MM...Luna

  2. Fantastic sharp photos and a very beautiful mosaic. Perfect composition.

  3. They are such magnificent little creatures, aren't they? Their wings are almost like stained glass windows. I enjoyed your beautiful pictures!


  4. Bonjour,

    je viens du blog de l'artiste Hélène Glehen qui participe au "Mosaic Monday".

    Votre mosaique de ce pauvre papillon mort est très belle.

    Avec mes meilleurs voeux du Sud de la France,

    Olivia Kroth
