onsdag 24 november 2010

Not One Desperate Housewife

Sepia Scenes

10 kommentarer:

  1. This is a beautiful pose, especially in sepia. he is so lovely, and the sepia shows us a soft woman. Nice!

  2. Så spesielt! Blir helt beroliget jeg når jeg ser på det bildet, og jo mer jeg ser.... :) Klem fra meg vennen! :)

  3. No desparation here. All is calmness and serenity.

  4. Vilken vacker bild på kvinnan.

  5. It is said, that humankind is only intelligent, because of having fingers.

    A picture like a painting. Please have a wonderful Thursday you all.

    daily athens

  6. I often wonder myself why wives were desperate in that show when they live in such a nice place? And this scene proves that a housewife is always contented in her own private space. And so will her baby. She looks pregnant.

  7. Ser jag rätt? Ska du bli mormor?

  8. Så vakkert
    - god fredfull stemning ;))
