måndag 15 november 2010

We All Have Dreams

And one of mine would be to meet this man. In My World Dalai Lama is a great man. He is the Buddhist leader of religious officials of the "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddism. His name is a combination of the Mongolian word "Dalai" meaning "Ocean" and the Tibetan word "Blama" meaning "high priest". For many years now I have been practicing Buddhism. To me buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion and I like the "thinking" in it, encompassing a variety of traditions and beliefs. Karma, the force that drives the cycle of suffering and rebirth for each being appeals to me. Actions of body, mind and speech from mental intent brings a consequence, fruit or result. Every time a person acts there is some quality of intention at the base of the mind and it is that quality rather than the outward appearance of the action that determines its effect.

I still have a lot more to learn about this philosophy and how to be a good practitioner of it. Not yet can I call myself a 100% buddhist but hopefully my way of living and thinking will get me there one day.

This photo was taken by my daughter during our visit to the vax museum Madame Tussaud in London last week. I guess this is the closest I´ll get when it comes to living one of my dreams, the dream of meeting with Dalai Lama :-).

14 kommentarer:

  1. Oui Madame....Mie, Mie....här har du en till som have a dreem of this man....
    Önskar dig en skön kväll. Kram från mitt innersta.

  2. What a fun capture! And I agree, he is a great man/leader and it would be an honor to be able to meet him! Hope you have a great week!


  3. Life-like, isnt he? i got a photo of this man as well, albeit in wax.

  4. Vad fint!
    Man kan mötas på så många sätt, du möter hans tankar genom hans ord, det är värdefullt! ♥

  5. Great title and a great man. It would be an honor to meet him.

  6. I, too, admire the Dalai Lama. I've never met him but any time I’ve seen him interviewed he appears to be such an unpretentious man who has been given a special responsibility.

  7. Hang on to the dream and the reality may well follow.
    If you lose the dream, it cannot happen . . . so keep dreaming and hoping and the universe will provide.

  8. He is the embodiment of kindness and compassion!

  9. Haha...helt underbar bild! Visst är han en stor man och din titel är helt underbar.

  10. Trevlig bild! Klart att även jag skulle vilja träffa honom. En klok man.

  11. I am glad to have a leader of peace such as he to look up to. I would love to hear his endearing giggle. :-)

    Buddhism appeals greatly to me as well. Thanks for this post.


  12. Nydelig bilde og par dette Marie ;) Så spennende å høre at du praktiserer Buddhismen.. Jeg kan ikke så mye om den.. Men Dalai Lama har også vært min favoritt, en av dem altså.. :) Voksdukkene ser veldig virkelige ut! :)
