måndag 24 januari 2011

Behind Bars

I´m glad this is not a part of My World every day ;-) The Alcatras prison on the Alcatraz Island in San Francisco. I visited it during my trip to U.S this Christmas. In the 1800s it was built for military use. 1934 Alcatraz became the worlds most escape-proof prison because of the ice cold water with extreme strong currents surrounding the island.

Yet there is a group of prisoners who disapeared from the prison and have still not beeing located. Frank Lee Morris and the Anglin brothers John and Clarence, has never been heard from and their bodies have never been found. Escape from Alcatraz with Clint Eastwood, is a filmversion of their spectacular planning and escape in 1962.

The usual practice was that the prisoners were shot or drowned during their escape. In the years the Alcatraz prison was open 36 prisoners tried to escape. 15 of them died during their escape attempt. Alcatraz was closed in 1963 due to economical difficulties. Today Alcatraz Island and the prison is a popular excursion for tourists. Absolutely worth a visit if you "pass by".

11 kommentarer:

  1. Wow...dina bilder är fantastiska och spännande. Vilken annorlunda upplevelse det måste ha varit. Så skönt att du i alla fall fick lämna fängelset..."smile", så vi fick ta del av dina upplevelser. Vilken perfekt miljö att fota i!!!

    My entry is here

  2. Tack snälla du för att du visade de här bilderna. Mycket intressant att få se dem. Fint tagna så jag kunde leva mig in i miljön. Vilken duktig fotograf du är. Tack än en gång. Ha en fin vecka.

  3. Åh har du varit på semester i USA, vilken fantastisk upplevelse.

    Roligt att se platser live, som man bara sett på film!

    Ha det så gott.// Kram, kram Lissen

  4. Hehe! I'm glad it's not part of your everyday world too!

    I've never been there so this seems fascinating to me!

  5. It is a fascinating place isn't it? Well, fascinating as long as you don't have to stay there like they did before 1963! I visited there just a few years after it had closed as a prison. Kind of a gruesome, sad history and yet it's still beautiful! Your captures are really terrific! Hope you have a great week!


  6. Great pictures. I would try to escape as well if I had to stay there though

  7. Thank you very much for this great journey, which indeed leaves one think about freedom and its joy.

    Please have a wonderful Tuesday.

    daily athens

  8. A fascinating place to visit - for a shot while! You'd think the thought of being sent there would be a deterrent, but apparently not for some.

  9. Lovely shots of a slightly creepy place. Some of those cells were tiny!

  10. Riktigt spännande bilder. Blev helt förälskad i bilden på båten. Dimman och ön i bakgrunden och båten som nästan flyr därifrån.

  11. Oj, jag kan inte annat än att sitta och tänka på vilken jäkla upplevelse det där måste ha varit. Verkligen ett minne för livet. Ett berikande minne som får en att tänka efter, vilka plågade själar har bott där, vilka tankar och vilka drömmar har blivit tänkta på mellan dessa väggar?
    (Du är med på mitt tisdagstema.....*skratt*)
