tisdag 27 september 2011

Caution, May Be Hot

Ruby Tuesday

5 kommentarer:

  1. This is a very nice process !

  2. Great capture or should I say word of caution. They do not want a lawsuit like McDonald's had for their hot coffee. Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  3. Nice closeup!


    Boy in ruby, why so shy?
    You are quite a handsome guy.
    There’s no need to hide your face—
    In this world you have a place.
    Take your ruby shirt away
    From your mouth—come out and say,
    “I am not a turtle, no,
    And my name’s not Yertle, so,
    I will be as I was meant—
    As my mom says, heaven-sent.”

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red sunset and flower
