lördag 11 september 2010

PhotoHunt: Anniversary

It´s one year since you came into my life. A year filled with love, affection and cuddle. A year of happiness and fun. You are the most beautiful and lovely pet ever. Thank´s for letting me be your "mum". Tuss, I love you with all my heart. Photo Hunt

14 kommentarer:

  1. the arrival of a new cat in the home is always a happy anniversary! Nice take on the theme

  2. Aww! You're so sweet.. Happy Anniversary to you and your lovable pet. :)

  3. You can see the wild part of the cat in the photo! :O

  4. Such a beautiful photo and a beautiful cat!

  5. beautiful photo of your cat...love it!

    mine is here


    see you

  6. Happy Anniversary--what a beautiful cat!

  7. that was a great capture of your cat and perfect for the theme. How sweet of you to celebrate the coming of your cat to your life.

    mine is up too. http://upto6only.com/2010/09/11/photohunt-anniversary/

  8. The movement of your Cat caught in action is fabulous.

    (We are Catlovers as well).

    btw. To comment I had to open a new window... But, I allways comment what I like

  9. WOW! What a fantastic shot of such a beautiful cat. They are wonderful pets and are truly a part of your family.

    I'm up and would love to have company. The Misplaced Midwesterner

  10. OPPS Not A B&W Piece
    Still Luving It :)

  11. Another wonderful picture! I love cats infact I have two of them. They are both 14 yrs old. :)

  12. Flott skrevet for en firbeint venn en føler så mye for :) Tenk at det nå er ett år siden..! Tiden går fort! Herlig bilde, på spranget! :)
