onsdag 2 december 2009

Sepia Scenes no 59

Everyone has a sore spot.

8 kommentarer:

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) sa...

Pent utsnitt fra skulpturen og flotte fargetoner!

Marice sa...

nice shot :) so creative!

u may view mine here

Ralph sa...

I wonder if these are wings on the feet? It would nice to speed ahead of the slower walkers and slow drivers. Nice to add to our feet.

Unless these are really thorns...

Nancy Bea Miller sa...

Very nice! Hermes resting, I take it?

PJ sa...

Ha ha, I wish I had wings on my feet!

Honey Mommy sa...

I was thinking that these must be the feet of Mercury, the wing-footed messenger to the Greek gods.

nice composition!

Mikabella sa...

Åhhhh vad snyggt!!!

kayerj sa...

great shot--so who is it? Mercury or Achilles?