onsdag 20 oktober 2010

General Store

Sepia Scenes

7 kommentarer:

Rejen sa...

Hvor er det et fint billede af forrådskammeret....

Annelie sa...

Aj så snyggt motiv, var har du hittat detta?
Näe, har inte inte putsat ännu, men det börjar bli hög tid!

Anonym sa...

What a great mean to measure time and life. Back home in Germany such shops are called "Tante Emma Laden", shop of aunt Emma - rarely a sight these days.

Please have a good Thursday.

daily athens

Annie Jeffries sa...

Hello Marie. You know, there is so much to like about this photo. I like the contrast of the sleek and shiny tiles with the old and worn wood. I love the reflection of the counter items on the tiles. The texture of the basket tickles my fingertips in my imagination. All in all, a really fine picture that had me gazing at it for a while.

Francisca sa...

Annie took the words right out of my mouth! A nice sepia of contrasts, old and new, shiny and matt...

Ralph sa...

This is beautiful! The brilliant walls of white tile seems the right background for the lovely antique bottles and such. And all look wonderful in sepia!

Lui sa...

What great detail!