Yesterday it was the first of Advent so now My World is filled with lights everywhere. The gloomy November has turned into a happy bright month, giving December a warm welcome. The big famous department store NK here in Stockholm has in accordance with ancient tradition decorated it´s front with thousands of lights. The annual Advent calendar, placed in NK´s shopwindows, is popular and well-attended by old and young alike. This years theme is the Nordic winter landscape. If you have the opportunity to visit Sweden this time of year you absolutely have to go there. It´s awesome. Don´t miss My Calendar starting tomorrow the 1st of December!
What terrific photos! And how fun! It does look like the Christmas season has definitely arrived! Love all the colors! Great post! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for visiting and your comment, always appreciated!
8 kommentarer:
Så fint det ser ut. I år kommer jag nog tyvärr att missa den fina julskyltningen.
Ser fram mot din kalender:)
kram Maria
Oh! Sååå julig shopping :) Så kommer det nog att se ut i Budapest nästa vecka - ska nämligen kolla på plats :D
What terrific photos! And how fun! It does look like the Christmas season has definitely arrived! Love all the colors! Great post! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for visiting and your comment, always appreciated!
Enjoy your week and the SEASON!
Beautiful happy colourful pictures.
These photos are lovely. We always have sunny Christmas in my part of the world. No snow at all.. and no fires going...
The more color the better this time of year.
Oj, vilket fint skyltfönster! :D
oj, vad glittrigt det är uppe hos dig. Inte ser det ut så där här i Katrineholm :)
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