onsdag 24 november 2010

Not One Desperate Housewife

Sepia Scenes

10 kommentarer:

Jidhu Jose sa...

nice sepia

Ralph sa...

This is a beautiful pose, especially in sepia. he is so lovely, and the sepia shows us a soft woman. Nice!

Daniel sa...

wow som hos mormors!!!

Viola sa...

Så spesielt! Blir helt beroliget jeg når jeg ser på det bildet, og jo mer jeg ser.... :) Klem fra meg vennen! :)

Annie Jeffries sa...

No desparation here. All is calmness and serenity.

Magdalena sa...

Vilken vacker bild på kvinnan.

Anonym sa...

It is said, that humankind is only intelligent, because of having fingers.

A picture like a painting. Please have a wonderful Thursday you all.

daily athens

Lui sa...

I often wonder myself why wives were desperate in that show when they live in such a nice place? And this scene proves that a housewife is always contented in her own private space. And so will her baby. She looks pregnant.

Annelie sa...

Ser jag rätt? Ska du bli mormor?

Gunsside sa...

Så vakkert
- god fredfull stemning ;))