måndag 25 januari 2010

My World week 4

My World is draped with curtains made of ice. Giant, long and sharp. All over you can see it. It´s really awesome and beautiful. Though it´s a big problem for every house-owner. They have a hard work cutting off the ice. When it will start thawing these gorgeous jewels will turn into dangerous spears falling from every roof. It´s a good idea not walking on the pavement these days I can say.

10 kommentarer:

My name is Riet sa...

Beautiful icepicks like curtains,but I understand they can be dangerous

Sylvia K sa...

Lovely, icy curtains! But, yes, I too can understand how dangerous they could be! Have a great week! Watch where you walk!!


Nollan sa...

Det är vackert med istappar och dina blev fina i s/v. Dock ser några väldigt vassa ut, inga man vill ha i huvudet precis!

Eve sa...

What a beautiful set of photos! There is so much detail in an icicle - so pretty!

Jenn sa...

Pretty captures! Love the details!

LadyFi sa...

Underbar! Lovely - as long as you can avoid them.

Victoria Tsavdaridou sa...

Nice set of photos, thanks for sharing!!!!

Randi sa...

Läckert men läskigt! Till och med här i södra Skåne är det svinkallt och rått.
Sköt om dig och "keep warm"!

Regina sa...

Great photos in B/W. Beautiful series!
Have a good week.

SandyCarlson sa...

Gorgeous and chilly!